I apologize for not returning your call or e-mail, for not walking with you, and for us not getting together while I was in town. This is what I did do:
Sunday, 27 December - work from noon to 17:00. Have fabulous Italian dinner with Camp Virginia co-workers. Get dropped off at KWI and take flight to LAX.
Monday, 28 December - arrive LAX. Pick up car and go to Hotel Beverly. Pick up Leorit at work. Dine with Trader Joe.
Tuesday, 29 December - shopping in Seal Beach with Jacqueline (Ariel's aunt) and Fannie (Ariel's mom). Go back to pick up Bev. Head to Penny's and Macy's at Lakewood mall to look for dress for wedding. Then to Nordstrom's at Cerritos; found dress. Hang out with friends in evening. Dinner at CPK with Bo and Bev.
Wednesday, 30 December - Los Alamitos for doctor's appointment, then to lab for blood test. Breakfast with Trader Joe. AAA to obtain new International Driving Permit. Go to Batia and Aleeza's in Beverly Hills for haircut and color. Meet Toby at Bev's then pick up Leorit at work. Try to buy shoes and earrings at Penny's, but their computers are down, so we can't. Dinner with Toby at Hof's Hut.
Thursday, 31 December - Annual check-up at doctor in morning. Mammogram after that. Go back to Penny's to pick up shoes and earrings we couldn't pay for last night. Buy groceries at Von's. Lunch at Bake 'n Broil with Anne and David, then go to David's dental office for X-rays and teeth cleaning. Take Leorit to Mikva. Drive to New Year's Eve party at Bev's friend's house.
Friday, 1 January - Wait for prescriptions at Walgreens. Pick up Shani at LAX. Her plane was on time, but her luggage wasn't. Walk to USO @ LAX to get something to eat. Walk back to AA terminal. Take Shani to surprise Leorit. Get Shani unpacked. Attend Shabbat dinner with Shani and Leorit.
Saturday, 2 January - Get manicure and pedicure. Go back to pick up Shani and drop her off at Lakewood Mall. Hang out with friends. Pick up Shani then drive to Jenny's to get Leorit. Walk to Sybil's for lunch. Walk to the Shabbat Kala reception for Leorit. Toby drives us back to Jenny's. Havdala at Jenny's. Take Leorit for manicure and pedicure.
Sunday, 3 January - Take Shani to Bo's in Los Angeles. Pick up remainder of my prescription. Go to Lakewood mall for hair styling (big mistake) and make up. Drive to AJCC. Go to apartment to pick up Ariel's family for wedding. Drive back to AJCC. Get changed and take family pictures. WEDDING!!! Take Ariel's family and gifts back to apartment.
Monday, 4 January - Take Shani, Alice, Jacqueline and Fannie to Camarillo Premium Outlets. Stop by Trader Joe's and Toby's on the way back. Walk to Sheva Bracha dinner. Take Shani to Bo's in Los Angeles.
Tuesday, 5 January - Pick up Shani at Blue Line station. Go to KY&L for visits and meeting. Take limo to lunch with Skip, MAW, Justin, Lee and Carrie at 555. Go to LGB to take Jet Blue to Las Vegas. (Delayed 30 minutes.)
Wednesday, 6 January - Walk to Fashion Show Mall. Walk to China Town (Little Saigon?) Get permanent make-up. Watch "Inglorious Basterds" on TV in hotel room. Walk to Cesar's Palace for dinner at Forum Shops and Bette Midler.
Thursday, 7 January - Walk to Fashion Show Mall then down the strip a loooonnngggg way to Excalibur; limp back. Take cab to airport for Jet Blue flight to LGB. Delayed 3 hours, causing us to miss Sheva Bracha dinner. Stop by apartment so Shani can say good-bye.
Friday, 8 January - Drop off Shani at LAX. Back to David's office to get two teeth filled. Hang out with friends in evening.
Saturday, 9 January - Hang out with friends in morning. Drive home then walk to Shul on Atlantic for Sheva Bracha luncheon and discussions. Dinner with Bev, Pam (Bev's mom), Toby and Bo at Trattoria Limon. Coffee and dessert at apartment with Leorit, Ariel and friends and family.
Sunday, 10 January - Pack. Stop by apartment to bid farewell to family. Return rent-a-car. Take flight to Frankfurt, then, after 6-hour layover to KWI. Arrive back at Camp Virginia at 02:00 on Tuesday, 12 January. (Monday, 11 January was lost.)
Tuesday, 12 January - Begin work at noon.
Really sorry I missed you.