Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Lost and Found . . . and Loss

It’s pretty dark (homey) inside our USO. Many of the soldiers come in during daylight and leave at night. Consequently we have approximately five pairs of sunglasses per day turned in to our Lost ‘n Found. There’s an Oakley store on base. Funny: A lot of people lose Oakleys, but almost no one ever finds Oakleys. Get it?


The transient troops must carry their weapons with them at all times. About once a week someone sees a weapon at the USO without a soldier attached. The soldier has left it behind after talking on the phone, using the Internet, playing a video game or watching a movie in the cinema. We must immediately stop everything and everyone and call for a “weapons check.” If the soldier has left the USO, someone in his unit will figure out who the owner is and go find the soldier. After a few minutes of panic, the offending party will come up to the counter, usually close to tears, and claim the errant weapon. Lost or misplaced weapons are very, very, very, very bad for the soldiers.


I’m writing in WORD but don’t know when I’ll be able to publish. We have a complete information (telephone and Internet) blackout, which is always the precursor to extremely bad news. Will keep you posted.
Updated: A truck hit a truck, seriously injuring two soldiers. No one was killed. Thank heavens for that.

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