Tuesday, September 22, 2009

More UTR

I know I’ve written about the USO’s United Through Reading (“UTR”) program before, but it’s such a constant and continuous morale booster for the troops and for the USO staff that I’m adding more.

If you remember, this is the program where we video soldiers reading books to their children, grandchildren, nieces, nephews, etc. and then send the DVD and the book(s) home. When I first started at the USO we were sending home 30-50 books per month. In August we sent home 767 books! Almost every day Steve shows me a “Please Tell us What You Think” card and says (very sincerely), “I love my job.” I grabbed a few off of the top of the pile. Here are some of the comments which are taken, verbatim, from the cards:

This is a wonderful program! Thanks for all you guys at the USO do for us. God Bless each of you! This service . . . is a great way of connecting to our kids.
My daughter really enjoys the program very much. She replayed over and over again when I was deployed.
This is an excellent program. The staff here is the best and very helpful. The USO is a great place for soldiers to come relax and be able to just get back to reality. Thanks.
This is the greatest program around. The staff here at Camp Virginia is so helpful and kind. Thanks for letting me connect with my children.
It feels so good to be able to communicate with my grandkids. Almost like reading to them at home. Thanks lots.
This program is absolutely fantastic. I'm sure my son will adore this.
Almost made [me] cry reading the book. But I know he’ll always remember it. Thank you so much.
My son will be so happy. Thank you so much. I’ll be back.
This is the greatest thing I’ve seen for service members with children left behind! Thank you so much from me and my boys.
I feel as if I could really interact and let my child see me as what I am.
Excellent program!! It’s a great way to stay in touch with your kids.
Very awesome program for adults and their family’s children!! Will be back again very soon.
Thank you all so much. You do more than you know.
I always recommend to all of my soldiers, whether fathers, uncles, or older brothers. We all have deep, sincere gratitude for USO.
My grandkids love getting books and being able to have their Papaw read to them.
It took me a couple of minutes to get ready so that I would not start crying as I read the book. This is such a wonderful way to stay in touch with small children and grandchildren while away so long. Thank you!
A great program I would recommend to every soldier.
My wife told me about my kids watching the videos every day non-stop. They laugh and when I ask them what something is, they answer me. This program has made everyone happier. Thank you for doing this for me and my family.

[Yeah, I’m sobbing too.]

One of our troops wrote the following poem after doing a UTR for his son:

Sitting in a room alone,
A soldier stares at a camera.
With a book in his lap,
He takes a deep breath and pushes record.
Seeing his son in the image of himself,
The camera in front of him shows.
Words flow out of his mouth with ease,
No thought, just his inner feelings.
Shortly after starting the book of choice,
The story ends as the book now closed.
The soldier somehow relieved,
Knowing his son will feel closer to him,
Until the day he is finally home.

Spc. Dale Waller

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