Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Rescue Me

Pictures of my (formerly) lovely dining room.

On Sunday morning I received the following e-mail with the subject line, "Please don't be mad."

Hi mommy,
So on Friday night there was kind of a small fire in the house. The dining room floor got burnt a little. Everyone is okay . . . I'm very sorry . . . We're taking care of everything . . . so you don't have to worry. I just thought I should let you know. Again, I'm sorry . . . Ariel put out the fire, but we called [the fire fighters] anyway just to be safe. I miss you and love you. Soooooooo sorry.

About 30 minutes after I received the e-mail I received a call from Leorit. She sounded fine, albeit very contrite. She told me the smoke alarm woke up Ariel and he woke her up. She did not hear the smoke alarm. As for me, I was concerned but mostly I was relieved that Leorit and Ariel were uninjured.

Later, when I saw the pictures Ariel had posted on his Facebook page, I almost barfed. Apparently Leorit's idea of "kind of a small fire" and mine are somewhat different. Obviously if the smoke alarm had not been working the outcome could have been much, much worse. I'm eternally grateful that neither of them was hurt.

1 comment:

  1. Oh I am so happy they are ok, thats the main thing hey, sorry about your suite, but its easy to replace.
