Friday, February 12, 2010

You hAVe to MoVe - NOW!**

After one year in the same room, I was "invited" to relocate to make space for the new command coming to Camp Virginia. The new room was nowhere near a bathroom, so I asked my new best friend JW if he could find me something closer to the facilities. Happily, luckily and fortunately, JW pulled through. My new room is 128 steps from the bathroom (exactly twice as far as my old room).

As you can see from the pictures, my new quarters are much different than the old. I had never seen any of my neighbors (except Mike) at my former CHU; my new neighbor ("Neu") is very friendly and I see him often. Previously I faced other CHUs on my block; my new place has a "meadow view."^^ Instead of other rooms like mine, across from me are bunkers, a smoke shack and water shed; behind those are the transient tents. There is a bright light that shines directly into my room, although since my windows are covered, the light is only an issue the four times every night that I open the door to go to the bathroom.

Isn't it just amazing how a change of scenery can give one a new outlook on life?

**When she was about 4 years old, Leorit's friend Rina was scheduled to come visit. For some reason Rina had to cancel, and Leorit was very angry. Leorit went to her room and slammed the door. 10 minutes later I saw a warning: "You hAVe to MoVe." I was impressed because that was the first thing Leorit had ever written that was not copied from something else. A few minutes later the door slammed again. Now the notice said "You hAVe to MoVe - NOW!" I still have the sign.

^^ We once went to Cambria for the weekend. Our hotel offered an "ocean view" or a "meadow view." We opted for the less expensive room with the "meadow view." The "meadow" was a vacant lot.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Bonnie!

    Cindy Glenn here... USO LAX volunteer. I've been reading your blog and posted comments a couple of times. I read about your transfer... congratulations! Also, your blog has been very helpful to me offering the necessary insight for my assignment coming up very soon. Same country as you right now but at the "airport" USO (as you have named it). I'm going to reread your blog, especially the earlier posts, to make sure I'm ready for my adventure out there. :o)
