Sunday, July 26, 2009

Does This Kevlar Make Me Look Fat?

Basra to Kuwait went a lot better than the original trip to Iraq. The flight was scheduled for 12:40 with a show time of 09:40. I arrived at PAX Terminal at 0900. Since the plane we were waiting on had mechanical problems, it was two hours late taking off from LSA to come get us. About 40 of us were manifested and then sent to wait in "Lounge A." Sitting on creaky, Naugastuff chairs watching everyone eat MREs wasn't bad until the electricity went out, taking the lights and the air conditioning with it. After 60 or so minutes of swealtering and stinking in the sauna, we were advised that we needed to very quickly board the plane, since the C130was just stopping to pick us up on a three-leg trip, and the engines would not be turned off. The officer advised that those of us wearing short sleeves (me) might want to put our arms behind our backs. After donning my 35 pound flack jacket and protective helmet, I joined the troops in double lines. As instructed, we walked to the left, then right, another right, then left again; then we marched directly into the bowels of the plane. I thought I wouldn't worry about my arms since the hair had previously been scorched off (see previous posts). However, when I got closer to the 180 degree heat blowing directly at me I realized my fingers might turn crispy so I did try to put my arms behind me. When I got to the plane I stepped 12" off the ground onto a steep metal ramp where I t-e-e-t-e-r-e-d for the better part of a second, until S.Sgt. H gave me a push and I was able to continue in a forward direction. (I don't know if he was trying to be nice or if he just didn't want me to topple back onto him.)

We arrived at LSA approximately 60 minutes later, whereupon I was fetched by Steve and Bettie. After getting up early and rushing to the terminal, simmering in the lounge and then stewing in my helmet and flack jacket, I was assured by S.Sgt. H that upon arrival at LSA my hair did look fabulous.

It is really, really, good to be back at Camp Virginia in Kuwait.

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