Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Mating Season (May not be suitable for children)

The other day, by shear luck, I was able to capture on film the early morning mating of the male Kuwaiti Water Truck and the American Female Latrine. I have witnessed this once before in the afternoon, but was not previously able to obtain an actual photograph. It happens like this: once or twice a week the large male truck approaches the smaller female latrine. (The latrine is not visible in this picture, as it is behind the large truck.) The male's hose is then extended and enters the female through a small opening in the female's side. The liquid (known as "water") then enters the female, but remains in special tank or reservoir on the outside of the female until the female knows by instinct when it is ready to draw the male's liquid and provide the ecologically essential shower, wash or flush.

Today I was almost able to get a picture of a litter of the smaller "Aqua Gulf" water bottle containers being delivered. Interestingly, the Aqua Gulf liquid, which is also called "water," arrives in a plastic bottle which is surrounded by a cardboard "box," which is in turn contained in a protective wrapping which the natives refer to as "plastic". See picture of Aqua Gulf above, albeit a few hours after delivery. It's fascinating to me how nature takes care of us, even in the desert.

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